Spaced Out Radio Show

Spaced Out Radio

Spaced Out Radio is your premiere source for news and views regarding the Paranormal, Supernatural, Cryptozoological, Extraterrestrial, Ufological, Conspiratorial and more.

  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 1924 - Investigating Shape Shifters with John Kachuba
    John Kachuba is an award winning author of 13 books. He's written fiction, non-fiction and fantasy over the years about strange entities and shape shifters.

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    20 July 2024, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 18/24 - Ghosts of the Great White North
    MERLE from the Paranormal Roadtrippers and Samantha Mowat join us to talk about our latest adventure in the Cariboo wilderness of British Columbia. Encounters with Sasquatch aren't normal, and don't happen often. But it did on this occasion.

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    19 July 2024, 4:05 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 17/24 - Kentucky Goblins with Geraldine Stith
    Geraldine Stith grew up in Kelly, Kentucky. This is where her family, the Sutton clan, had a frightening encounter known as the 'Kentucky Goblins'. Tonight, Geraldine comes in to talk about this harrowing tale from 1955, and her thoughts of what the goblins really were?

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    18 July 2024, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 16/24 - Sasquatch, Portals and Strangeness with Trey Hudson
    Trey Hudson is a US Army veteran who now enjoys his weekends looking for Sasquatch, paranormal events, as well as UFOs and Portals. Trey is the current director of the Oxford Paranormal Society and the Anomalous Studies and Observation Group.

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    17 July 2024, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 15/24 - My Paranormal Encounters with Daniel Harary
    Daniel Harary is a visionary, researcher, writer, and author. His book, 'My Paranormal Life' is on sale now at Amazon, where Daniel gets into the depths of his life long experiences with strange encounters.

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    16 July 2024, 4:05 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 11/24 - Evolving Humanity with Pam Oslie
    Pam Oslie is a best-selling author, visionary, consultant, professional psychic intuitive, medium and aura expert. For nearly 40-years, Pam has coached and helped thousands of people including popular celebrities with their questions of the unknown!

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    12 July 2024, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 10/24 - Science Bob & Friends
    Dr. Bob McGwier is a retired agent and former Professor at Virginia Tech University. The science and tech wizard now uses his smarts to look heavily into the UFO and experiencer phenomenon with a scientific point of view.

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    11 July 2024, 4:05 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 9/24 - SSP and UFOs with Lorien Fenton
    Lorien Fenton is a UFO researcher as well as a guardian of secrets when it comes to the Secret Space Program and Super Soldiers. Over the decades, Lorien has been led to hidden secrets that seem so unbelieveable, that they're easy to hide. Is there a truth to what she knows?

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    10 July 2024, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 54 minutes
    July 8/24 - UFO and ET Encounters with Nancy Thames
    Nancy Thames is a former Department of Defense employee who now searches for anything extraterrestrial. Her interest in the subject started in childhood, and it was in her late 20's when she realized that she was an experiencer. She's fought through ridicule and laughter, but maintains a steadfast belief that we are not alone in this universe.

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    9 July 2024, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 53 minutes
    July 5/24 - The ET Connection with R Keith Andrews
    R Keith Andrews is a Canadian experiencer of unknown phenomenon. Keith is a life long experiencer of alien contact and ET abduction. He now helps counsel those make sense of their own experiences.

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    6 July 2024, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 54 minutes
    Jul 4. 2024 - UFOs Over Canada with Chris Rutkowski
    Chris Rutkowski is a science writer and educator. Since the mid-1970's, he's written about UFOs to be one of Canada's leading experts in the UAP phenomenon. He has nine published books on UFOs and related issues.

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    5 July 2024, 4:04 am
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