How to Be a Competent Self-Manager for Health and Well-Being

Lori Olson

Podcast by Lori Olson

  • 16 minutes 28 seconds
    Reducing Beta and Relaxing Mind and Body
    Learn to calm your mind and body
    21 February 2020, 9:24 pm
  • 13 minutes 26 seconds
    Podcast 11 Active Listening Continued How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Do you feel misunderstood despite your best efforts to make yourself known? Loneliness is a result of communication ruptures and 50% of people in the U.S. report feeling lonely. Find out how to better navigate relationship communication in this podcast which continues the skills discussed in this whole series about "How to be a Competent Self-Manager for Health and Well-being" (communication is particularly focused on in podcasts 8-11). Visit for more health and well being ideas.
    4 August 2019, 4:31 pm
  • 16 minutes 58 seconds
    Podcast 10 Active Listening Part 3 How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Loneliness is a terrible state. Did you know that 50% of people in the U.S. report feeling lonely? How do people arrive in such an emotionally isolated place? Podcast 10 continues the discussion about the importance of active listening and clean language to make your and others authentically known and to feel connected to others.
    27 July 2019, 6:44 pm
  • 15 minutes 28 seconds
    Podcast 9 Active Listening Part 2 How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Ever wonder how "growing apart" happens? It can seem scary that relationships that start out so fantastic can end up on different paths...paths that leave you feeling alone and experiencing emotional isolation. If this is your experience or if you have relationships that you value and you do not want them to take the path of growing apart, you need to hear this podcast (and also podcast 8) about how people can build lasting emotional matter what comes their way. Http://
    21 July 2019, 3:44 pm
  • 14 minutes 16 seconds
    Podcast 8 Active Listening Part 1 How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Did you ever have that feeling of being alone in a crowd? Well, you are not alone. People all over the planet know that feeling. What is it about? It is a terrible feeling that involves many layers...but in the end you may feel alone, not good enough, sad, devalued, abandoned, like a failure, not important and possibly so many other things. How does this happen? Find out in this first part of how to really connect with others in the series "How to be a Competent Self-Manager for Health and Well-Being" by psychotherapist Lori Olson. and
    14 July 2019, 2:36 pm
  • 11 minutes 34 seconds
    Podcast 7 Methods For Immediate Anxiety Relief
    Are you sick of feeling as though you might pop out of your skin, having that skin crawling feeling, wanting to run away, fight or shut down? If you know these feelings, you must know that you are not alone. Millions of people around the world suffer from such anxiety and depression symptoms. In this podcast episode, learn 3 sure fire ways to immediately dial down those fear responses. You don't need to convince yourself because these methods work with your body senses. You can even do them right in front of others and others will not even know you are doing them. Tune in to the entire series of "How to Be a Competent Self Manager" to learn how to better interact with stress and say good-bye forever to anxiety, depression, relationship woes, low self-esteem and more. and
    6 July 2019, 7:40 pm
  • 11 minutes 46 seconds
    Podcast 6 - Building Positive Internal Felt - Sense - How To Be A Competent Self - Manager
    Wonder why just telling yourself "I am a good person" doesn't seem to help your anxiety or depression? The answer is because it feels phony. Listen to this 6th podcast in the series How to be a More Competent Self-Manager to learn how you can build long lasting change and learn to really feel good about yourself. Be gone self-criticism!
    29 June 2019, 1:25 pm
  • 10 minutes 30 seconds
    Podcast 5 Critical Voices How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Self-criticism can be relentless. Fighting it only revs up negativity in the brain. Find out two simple methods for effectively interrupting self-criticism without having a fight with yourself.
    23 June 2019, 2:10 am
  • 9 minutes 52 seconds
    Podcast 4 Part 2 Change The Brain How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Your brain has been shaped by your environmental influences ever since you were a child. The way you learned to respond to distress from parents, caregivers, siblings, school, medical issues and much more was to create memory neurocircuits in the deep non verbal part of your brain. How to you reach this part of the brain to change it? This podcast will inform you the conditions for making change.
    28 May 2019, 12:58 pm
  • 11 minutes 46 seconds
    Podcast 3 Making Change Part 1 How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Are you sick of experiencing anxiety, depression, OCD and other identified mental health symptoms? Well...of course you are! Listen to find out why fighting these woes only contributes to making them...accidentally....worse. Find out why talking about them...til the end of time... does not seem to help. This is the first part to describe what people need to do to make the effective, long term changes they need and want to feel healthy and well. It is all based on recent neuroscience and clinical evidence. I have had much success helping my private and residential clients build extraordinary change. Please check out: and
    25 May 2019, 3:40 pm
  • 8 minutes 40 seconds
    Podcast 2 Shaping The Brain How To Be A Competent Self Manager
    Anxiety, depression or any other mental health diagnosis "label" is not who you are...rather it is what you accidentally learned to do. Find out how this happens in people and know that you can change what you do.
    19 May 2019, 3:54 pm
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