Podcast 7 Methods For Immediate Anxiety Relief
Are you sick of feeling as though you might pop out of your skin, having that skin crawling feeling, wanting to run away, fight or shut down? If you know these feelings, you must know that you are not alone. Millions of people around the world suffer from such anxiety and depression symptoms. In this podcast episode, learn 3 sure fire ways to immediately dial down those fear responses. You don't need to convince yourself because these methods work with your body senses. You can even do them right in front of others and others will not even know you are doing them. Tune in to the entire series of "How to Be a Competent Self Manager" to learn how to better interact with stress and say good-bye forever to anxiety, depression, relationship woes, low self-esteem and more. http://adptherapy.com and facebook.com/discovermepg
6 July 2019, 7:40 pm