Craig Conover and Austen Kroll discuss their lives outside of reality TV and show who they are behind the camera, Listen as they are joined by celebrities and friends and talk about the simple aspects of dating to adventures from around the world. Pillows and Beer will give a look into the lives of two best friends that just want to share their many experiences with all. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @pillowsnbeer
Nostalgia Alert
As all 3 of the guys have been traveling and stuck around the holidays, we still wanted to give our besties something to listen to this first week back so starting with a personal favorite. First, however, Austen and Nick recap last night's football games with Austen Tide losing. Then, we found that we actually have a lot of newer listeners and have even mentioned this episode on our recent tour. So for those who want to understand why we love this episode so much, take a listen to Craig and Austen's hours of conversation with Spencer Spratt.
Nostalgia Alert
After a busy and wonderful Christmas, the guys are doing a late night catch up. Craig and Austen are talking about the gifts they both gave and received and the moments that they created. Nick shares the sad story of why he had to get a replacement Christmas tree before the guys discuss a few of the non holiday movies they have watched during the break.
Nostalgia Alert
The guys are closing out the year with some fun debates. First Nick and Craig discuss some red wine and conspiracies before Austen hops on and they dive into some fun "would you rathers" from golf, past vs future, and how they would choose to live. Thank you besties for making this year wonderful and we hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. See y'all in 2024!
Nostalgia Alert
Dinosaurs...real? Well, in this episode, the boys are talking about that amongst another wide variety of topics. In classic PnB fashion, Craig and Austen start up with a quick catch-up of where they are before discussing celebrity gossip, our besties amazon shopping history, dinosaurs, and other fun topics. We're also thrilled to announce a Phoenix date for the tour and send holiday cheer to all our listeners! Happy holidays!
Nostalgia Alert
Besties, who here waits to the last second for Christmas shopping? We sure do! In this episode, the guys are talking about buying and receiving gifts to and from the family which leads to the debate on Amazon accounts. Do you share or have your own accounts? The guys then discuss Craig's lack of Christmas spirit and answer a fun bestie question.
Craig and Austen are talking current events as they discuss some recent technology ploys and where Taylor Swift stands among the most famous people of the last 100 years. Like her or not, she has become one to be known by billions. The guys then discuss some recent TV they have seen before answering some Bestie questions. Here they answer what their 5-year plans are and then give some dating/bedroom advice.
Nostalgia Alert
The boys are back with Craig's hot takes and opinions on how things must be done. But first, Craig and Austen are discussing what they have been up to and Austen asks if the color yellow is real. The guys discuss spray tans more as they get ready for a project this week and Craig laments about his current nail salon. The arguments then pick up as Craig, Austen, and Nick fight about the proper way to light a Christmas Tree. Austen really amps up the debate when he says he thinks some people do it vertically...the blasphemy.
Nostalgia Alert
Craig is in Beverly Hills to celebrate Paige as she is honored at a dinner for Variety's top 40 women of unscripted TV. Craig and Austen discuss getting ready routines and all of the celebs and powerful women Craig will be dining with. As Craig leaves to get ready with Paige, Austen and Nick go through PnB's Spotify recap. We want to give a big shout to all of our besties who have made the podcast happen and cannot wait to keep growing it with all of you!
Craig and Austen are debating when it is too early to set up holiday decorations. When do you do it and is before Thanksgiving too early? Craig then shares a travel adventure from this weekend as a trip back from a wedding did not go as planned. The boys close out the episode by sharing some Uber stories and answering some listener questions.
Pillows and Beer Live in Toronto is sponsored by Hayu, The Home of Reality TV, with every season ever of Southern Charm.